Interface & commands

1. Loading a file: Notepad++ plugin

After installation is successful, the NCnetic plugin shows up in the Notepad++ plugin toolbar. By hitting the Plot/Refresh function, the 3D plot window appears, and the currently selected G-code file is simulated. To switch files or after editing the current file, you need to hit the Plot/refresh function again in order to plot the new or modified file.

If no “Languages” (also called lexer) have been applied to the currently displayed G-code file, the plugin will apply its own syntax highlighting.

2. Loading a file: Gcode viewer stand-alone application

After launching the application, click on the ‘Import’ button in the toolbar and select the file you want to plot.

Alternatively, drag and drop files from the Windows File Explorer.

You can also launch the standalone portable application via the command line by calling the .exe file and passing the file to plot as an argument:

Example: C:\NCneticPlayer.exe “C:\Users\MyUser\”

3. Interface

If a .STL file is present in the same folder as the NC file and shares the same name (for example: and mill_pgm.stl), the 3D model is plotted in the 3D view alongside the NC file. Alternatively, you can drag and drop an .STL file into the 3D view to plot it.

Selecting a move in the 3D view will jump to the corresponding line within the G-code file. Selecting a text line within the G-code file will select the corresponding move in the 3D interface. Additional information about the selected file and the selected move, such as coordinates, feeds, lengths, etc., are displayed in the right panel.

By dragging its handle left or right, you can show/hide the right-side panel, which provides additional details about the selected move, including length, coordinates, feed, spindle speed, and more Below the right-side panel, you’ll find buttons to execute various commands:

Below the 3D view control, you’ll find a toolbar with buttons for executing various commands:

  • Import (stand alone only)
  • Export
  • Kill file processing
  • Start simulation
  • Stop simulation
  • Previous
  • Next
  • Options & settings

In addition, a track bar allows you to navigate through the entire file line by line.

Interaction with the 3D interface is performed through commands:

  • Selection (mouse left-click by default)
  • Pan (mouse middle button by default)
  • Rotate (mouse right button by default)
  • Go back to default view and re-center view(double-click any mouse)

In addition to mouse commands, views can be adjusted by clicking on the corresponding face on the compass (XYZ axis display) located in the bottom-right corner of the 3D view.