- N: Block number.
- x, Y, Z: Linear axis values (or macro inputs).
- A, B, C: Angular axis values.
- I, J, K: Arc center axis values.
- F: Feed rate.
- S: Spindle speed.
- R: Arc radius or rotation angle or drill cycle retraction value.
- L: Sub repetition or drill cylce repetition
- P: Sub number or scale factor
- T: Tool number
- G0: Rapid move.
- G1: Linear move.
- G2: Counter-clockwise arc.
- G3: Clockwise arc.
- G4: Dwell.
- G90/G91: Absolute/relative coordinates. 91.0 and G91.1 to for absolute / relative arc center.
- G17/G18/G19: Work plane selection (XY/XZ/YZ).
- G40/G41/G42: Tool radius compensations (None/Left/Right)
- G28: Home.
- G92: Set new reference.
- G52: Work offset / Reference shift.
- G53: Machine coordinate system.
- G54/G55/G56/G57/G58/G59: Work offset.
- G80/G81/G82/G83/G84/G85/G86/G87/G88/G89: Drill cycles.
- G50/G51: Scale program/Reset scale.
- G68/G69: Rotate program/Reset rotation
Any text following the character ; or ’ is considered a comment, as well as any text enclosed in parentheses.
- Sub start: The character O followed by digits is considered a program or routine declaration.
- Sub end: M99 signals a return from a sub-program or routine, while M02 or M30 return from the main program.
- Sub call: To call a sub-program from the main program, use M98 P1234, where 1234 corresponds to the sub-program name (e.g., O1234).
Macro B
- Variables: The character # followed by digits is considered a variable. Variables can be assigned and then used for formulas and/or logic operations.
- GOTO: Jump to the target block number.
- IF: If/then logic operator.
- WHILE: While logic operator
- G65: Call a macro with input parameters.